Terraform is an infrastrucure as code software tool. This is a list of tools, tips and tricks I use when working with Terraform.
1. tfenv tfenv is a Terraform version manager. The tool makes it super easy to install and manage new versions of Terraform.
tfenv install 1.0.3 Use different version
tfenv use 0.15.3 List installed versions
➜ ~ tfenv list * 1.0.3 (set by /usr/local/Cellar/tfenv/2.2.2/version) 1.0.0 0.15.3 0.13.5 List available remote versions...
1. Infrastructure as Code 2. HashiCorp Terraform 3. Preparations for the exam 4. Tips & Tricks 5. Related Certificates In february I passed the Terraform Associate Certificate making me a certified Cloud Engineer.
1. Infrastructure as Code Infrastructure as code (IaC) is the process of managing and provisioning infrastructure. IaC allows versioned configuration of infrastructure which can be deployed in minutes. Where dev environments usually would take hours of manual configuration by multiple Ops people to set up, IaC allows developers to supply fully configured test, dev and prod environments....