
GitOps is used to automate the process of provisioning infrastructure. It consists of: IaC MRs CI/CD With these tools GitOps provides a set of best practices for automated deployment and management of infrastructure. Infrastructure as code (IaC) is the process of managing and provisioning infrastructure. IaC allows versioned configuration of infrastructure which can be deployed to test, dev and prod environments. IaC enables reproducible and backed up infrastructure. The IaC configuration can be deployed locally, through CICD processes or both....

October 23, 2021 · 4 min · Me

Creating a webserver with redis backend in Kubernetes

In this project we will explore: Redis NoSQL database Kubernetes orchestration App development in Go The code repository is available on GitHub. 1. Database 2. Kubernetes 2.1. Deployments 2.1.1. redis 2.1.2. Webserver 2.2. Services 2.2.1. redis 2.2.2. Webserver 3. Go 3.1. main.go 3.2. webserver.go 3.2.1. Handler 3.2.2. Post 3.2.3. Get 3.3. redis.go 3.3.1. Database connection 3.3.2. Set 3.3.3. Get 3.4. Containerizing 4. Usage 4.1. Prerequisites 4.2. Makefile 4.3. Example requests 5....

January 4, 2021 · 7 min · Me