
In this post I will implement Staticman on my website. Using the following sources I was able to implement it: Staticman As Staticman works with REST form submissions we need to deploy a new instance of Staticman. We will deploy Staticman using Heroku which is recommended by Staticman. Heroku provides services and tools to build, run, and scale web applications. Staticman uses a git repository to store comments....

November 29, 2021 · 7 min · Me

Static comments with Staticman

My website is built with Hugo, which is a fast, open-source framework, that enables building flexible websites. To engage with audiences I have enabled comments on my site. Disqus Disqus is a third party application which ships with Hugo. Disqus allows users to comment on blog posts. It is easy to setup and is supported by most Hugo themes. To enable Disqus add the following line in your config: disqusShortname: yourdiscussshortname Why is it bad?...

November 28, 2021 · 3 min · Me